Pharmacleus: Achieve more

Welcome to Pharmacleus

Discover a world of specialized excellence in the pharmaceutical industry. Our services, including meticulous off-site Batch Record Review, dedicated QA Person-in-Plant oversight, Supplier Auditing and expert General Pharma Consulting, are carefully crafted to meet your unique needs, ensuring unparalleled quality and precision at every step.


Pharma Consulting Services

Our team of experienced consultants offers a range of services tailored to the unique needs of the pharmaceutical industry. We specialize in:

Batch Records

We perform expert reviews (off-site) of your executed batch records to ensure accuracy, compliance, and efficiency in your pharmaceutical production process.


Experience enhanced control and consistency in your pharmaceutical manufacturing process with our Person-in-Plant (PIP) services, ensuring real-time quality oversight and immediate issue resolution.

Supplier Audits

Our supplier audits provide in-depth analysis of your suppliers, shoring up quality and regulatory compliance in your supply chain.

General Consulting

Our specialized consulting services are designed to meet the unique needs of the pharma industry, from regulatory compliance to optimizing manufacturing processes, helping firms maintain a leading edge.

Get in touch with us

Let Pharmacleus be your partner in navigating the complexities of the pharmaceutical industry. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in achieving operational excellence.

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